Star Walk – Hollywood, California

CalifonirOur photojournalism class continues to be a great success, on this occasion we had the opportunity to visit the Star Walk in Hollywood, CA where we interviewed several street vendors and captured a glimpse of the night life on the always colorful and exciting Hollywood blvd.

Don Antonio who is currently retired but works on the Star Walk selling hot dogs described the night as being particularly slow, however he mentioned he loved to work as it was more fun than staying home to watch tv. We also met Martin who sold glow sticks and colorful lights, he’s been working there for the last 8 years only at night. When asked about permits to sell goods on the Star Walk he told us none of the street vendors had a license to sell there but instead they were on the look out for the police who at times takes away their goods and writes them a hefty ticket, despite all this adversity it is fun and worth the risk.

See you on the next field trip where we will continue to capture life as it happens on the streets of LA.